Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Continuing Story of Bluebeard

I really enjoyed the discussion we had on Thursday regarding the short story by Atwood, "Bluebeard's Egg." I think the stuff we were able to draw from just a few pages was really fascinating. Atwood did a wonderful job of bringing the story into a modern setting, yet still keeping the basis of the original.

The use of a modern setting was a little offputting at first, I do admit. I was thinking 'how could she take a fairy tale and place it into a modern, and realistic, setting?' But as we got into the discussion and started to actually analyze the piece, I was able to make out the use of symbol, and how she was able to make the 'stain on the egg' real. The Symbols of the story not only allude to the original story very well, but they take on a whole new meaning aside from the story. Her heart was a good example. It related not only to the egg in the original tellings, but also took on a whole new meaning, a meaning of trust as well as faith in another person. I liked that everything about the story was symbolic of something else, whether it's alluding to Bluebeard or not, because everyone could take something personal from it. The reader sees what Atwood is trying to say and what she is trying to symbolize, and then the reader takes that and personalizes it.

The story of Bluebeard is really timeless. It can be told in one of many ways, whether as the original or a version such as Atwoods. People can take it and emphasize the moral, or theme, that they deem most important, whether it be curiosty, obedience, trust, etc. It's a story that forever have something important to tell.

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